Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Week 8 - Las Tres Hermanas (Trio Power!)


A lot happened this past week so bare with me haha :) 

On Wednesday, the sister training leaders from Maple Valley came to Enumclaw for a blitz (mini exchange where both companionships stay in one area). Sister Watson and I were a power companionship - we were finding people left and right! We found this woman named Stephanie who just moved in a couple of months ago. We gave her a Book of Mormon and she was pretty excited to read it! But that's not all....she recently got engaged and we were talking about temples with her. We told her she could get married in the temple and be sealed to her husband forever. She said that was something she definitely wanted! I'll keep you guys posted but please pray for us and Stephanie. She could be THE ONE!

Wednesday afternoon, the mission president gave us a call and said one of the sister missionaries from the Spanish ward is going home unexpectedly. We still have a couple more weeks before the transfer ends so the hermana left behind wouldn't have a companion for awhile. Long story short, I'm in a trio now! Hermana Wilcock moved into our apartment and she is the sweetest missionary I have ever met. Since she was in the Spanish ward, we have to double cover wards which had made our week busy, busy, busy. We get to teach English to Latinos and go to two sacrament meetings on Sunday. I've loved being Hermana Smith this week and getting to relearn Spanish. Being in a trio has benefits too. I basically have two trainiers so I'm getting lots of advice. Our apartment is super crowded but the more the merrier right?!

On Friday, we had a lesson with this guy named Dan. He had his father over and so we taught them both. Now Dan is NOT like his dad at all. Whereas Dan says maybe two words, the dad (Paul) can talk your ear off....and he's extremely deaf. We would try to ask Dan something and Paul would intervene would some elaborate story. By the end of the lesson, we were basically screaming at Paul because that was the only way he could hear us. I have no idea if the Spirit was there at all, but I've definitely never laughed harder after a lesson. 

On Saturday, we had Finding Festival day. The whole Seattle mission does it and basically we meet as zones and focus only on finding new people to teach. We have rotations with different companions and we get to visit different areas of the zone boundaries. We also have little competitions for each rotation and the companionship with the most gets a prize. Sister Vanderwerken and I won the challenge for bearing our testimony to people. It was super fun but we were all wiped out after.

Today half the mission got to go through the temple. It was AMAZING. The Seattle temple is absolutely beautiful and being there with a bunch of missionaries makes it even more special. We only get to go to the temple every 6 months in my mission so I feel extremely grateful to go during my first transfer.

I'm so thankful to be a missionary and a representative of Christ. Nothing has brought me greater joy than being here! I love you all and constantly keep you in my prayers.

Until next week!

-sis. smith 

 Finally finished our puzzle!

A member just gave us a gallon of blackberries!

Sister Morris and I holding a chicken during a lesson 

Going to the Temple :)

Sister Cowley and me

The classic zone group photo

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