Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Week 33- Purifying Seattle Area...with more Snow!!

Holy snow! This is the absolute worst/best winter Seattle area has seen in 70ish years and I get to witness it all! Definitely has made the work a little trickier, but we try to make the most of it. I think our little car has gotten stuck 6 times total this week which is actually better than some missionaries. These cars are not meant for the snow! Plus, Washington doesn't know what it means to "plow the roads" so each time we go out, it's quite an adventure! Also, I legit got frostbite on my toes since rain boots don't qualify as snow boots. The water just soaked right through! My toes have become little purple sausages, lol. 

On a positive note, I have finally had a reason to try out my pants this week! They are honestly the best for this kind of weather. My legs have never been warmer. 😊 It's still weird to walk around in dress pants...I feel like a saleswoman.  

This past week we were able to meet with the Allen family a couple of times! The two girls are back on date for baptism the 2nd of March!! It's going to be back-to-back baptisms for the next couple of weeks with Casey's on the 23rd! So much to do ahhhhhh! Honestly this is the best kind of stress in missionary work. The girls are so excited to be baptized and I really feel this will help the family become more active in the Church again. Heavenly Father really looks out for those families! 

Church was cancelled this week which was probably a good call considering our church is on a mountain and there's no way our car would have made it up. Instead of church, we chose to serve! We helped an older couple put away their Christmas decorations and shoveled their driveway. The sun was out and it actually ended up being a beautiful morning.  It's easy to admire the snow when you aren't driving in it. 

We had a unique finding experience last week. We were knocking this apartment complex just as the snow started to come down again. We knocked this one lady's door and felt impressed to ask how she was handling the snowstorm. She expressed to us her concern of having no food in the home because she's too afraid to drive out in the snow. They were a big family from L.A. and had never experienced this kind of snow before. She told us her family has been stuck in the house for 3 days now and her kids have nothing to eat. We offered to find them some food so we drove to a member's house. They generously gave us a macaroni casserole that she had just made as well as pasta, cereal, and granola bars. We drove through the crazy snowstorm back to the woman's apartment. She was so shocked that we came back...and with food! Her heart just melted and she asked us what church we were from. We proudly said "the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints" and gave her a Book of Mormon. She happily accepted the copy and said she would start reading it immediately. We are seeing her again tonight. Food and service is the way to every heart!

Sometimes I feel like I'm actually in another country here in Renton. We were knocking this one apartment complex we never saw before and it was crazy. Like no one spoke English! They were all from Russia, Romania, Africa, or some other country. We were about to give up but we felt prompted to visit this one potential in the area and guess what? She spoke English! We taught her about prayer and gave her the address to our church. Her name is Tiffany and she is super sweet!

Well that pretty much includes all of this week. Like I said before, the snow was a STRUGGLE so we didn't get a ton done. Many appointments were cancelled because they feared for our safety. We may have experienced a "few" car troubles, but luckily we were always kept safe. The Lord really does protect His missionaries. 

One more thing: transfers came and Sister Zhang is staying with me in Tiffany Park! This will be her last transfer so hopefully it's a good one!

Love you all and be safe in this weather! Pretty sure Heavenly Father is sending all this snow to "purify" the earth haha. Everything out there looks like one color: white. Have a good week! ❤

sis. smith 

Thought this was pretty 😏

Sister Zhang made a baby snowman


District group shot

This was taken when we were in 2 hour traffic because of the snow 

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